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Mobility hubs are hubs that connect different forms of transportation and preferably have other functions as well. Consider the combination of public transport, shared mobility, private transport and other services, such as coffee, workplaces and parcel lockers. Hubs are indispensable in a sustainable mobility system and well-functioning compacted cities. Travelers can more easily travel sustainably and have greater choice and flexibility. Residents are offered an attractive living environment.

Aerial photo of Regional Mobility Hub in Gieten
hub with share bikes and moped in new residential neighborhood

We want to achieve this

Within the theme of hubs, we work together with municipalities, companies and regions on sustainable, successful mobility hubs that can actually accelerate mobility transition and urban densification. We do this by jointly developing knowledge, making agreements, discussing best practices and working on a better understanding and functioning of mobility hubs in their environment and networks.

this is what we are working on

We are working to realize sustainably successful mobility hubs. Special attention is being paid to the approximately 70 hubs in 35 municipalities that are being realized in area developments as part of housing agreements. There is a great need for knowledge exchange and development between municipalities and with market players. We are also giving attention to the digital aspect of hubs. Such as making agreements around data sharing, an exploration of the possibilities of digital twins, and an outline of the architecture.
photo of mobility hub in old downtown Rotterdam
photo Anna Bootsma

Your point of contact

Want to know more? Then contact Anna Bootsma, Hubs theme leader.

Hubs are the backbone of a sustainable mobility system. Travelers experience more choice and flexibility, while municipalities and businesses work to create an attractive and future-proof living environment."

Bringing different forms of transportation together

The depths

Within the theme of hubs are several ongoing projects and programs with which we collaborate and contribute. Together we ensure a safe, accessible and future-proof Netherlands.

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National program Mobility Hubs

The national program mobility hubs focuses on developing and sharing knowledge about hubs. Municipalities are invited to share knowledge and experiences with each other. And more knowledge and experience is gained around themes such as exploitation, business cases, meaningful owner and management agreements, the design of hubs, etc.

Digital hubs and P+Rs

Travelers park the car at a hub or P+R lot just outside the city and continue traveling by public transportation. Often there are bus stops or train stations nearby. Various facilities are currently offered to travelers under the name P+R. There is an ambition to make the various P+R locations more uniformly recognizable. Developing the digital side of these P+Rs is also important in this regard. The same need exists at other hub locations where travelers park and 'transit'. A plan of action is being developed to improve the facilities for this. Travelers can then more easily plan, reserve, book, and pay for their trip via a P+R as part of their total journey. Including their onward journey by public transport or shared transport.

Of course!Partial mobility

In the cooperation program Naturally! Partial Mobility (N!D), the state, provinces, municipalities, regional collaborations and knowledge institutions are working together to accelerate and better organize partial mobility for the traveler. The program provides, among other things, national standardization and collection of data. N!D provides direction and a coherent approach to organizing partial mobility locally, regionally and nationally.

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