new inquiries and assignments


The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management has published an announcement on TenderNed for new pending research and development (R&D) and research development and innovation (R&D&I) contracts. These can be assignments from all governments that are currently participants in the Dutch Metropolitan Innovations (DMI) ecosystem.

This announcement (TN-458430) follows an earlier tender for an innovation partnership to be launched in 2022 was published and led to the DMI-ecosystem.

Research development contracts are in principle excluded from the European procurement obligation. But to comply with the transparency obligation in Part 1 of the 2012 Procurement Act, the announcement was published in both TenderNed and the Tender European Daily.

Actual concrete RFP's will be published on this section of the DMI website at various times over the next few years. Organizations can subscribe to these calls for proposals in accordance with the specifications listed in the published Request for Proposal (RFP).

Ongoing RFP's and assignments

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