Smart Logistics

A city or area cannot exist without goods. Without logistics, you can't shop for groceries, new homes are not built and waste is not collected. However, logistics also causes nuisance, damage, unsafety and emissions, especially in growing and densifying cities.
In the DMI-Smart Logistics theme, we are working together with cities and companies on digital solutions and measures that make urban logistics safer, more efficient and sustainable, thus contributing to livable and accessible cities. 

Photo of a truck loading and unloading on a busy city street
Photo of a logistics distribution center

We want to achieve the following

The goal of this theme is to shape the logistics flows in our Dutch municipalities more safely, efficiently and sustainably, by applying smart digital applications, with all stakeholders. This also supports the zero-emission zones that come into effect from 2025. Within the smart logistics theme, data sharing between the government and the logistics industry is being developed to map transport flows in the city, make access to the city intelligent, optimize construction logistics, connect customers and buyers, and support municipalities and regional governments in their data-driven policy and implementation.

Getting Started

Within the theme, we focus on these four pillars:
  • Digital solutions

    We work on digital solutions to give municipalities insight into the logistics flows in their cities. Insight into logistics flows is necessary to manage these flows. We answer questions such as "Who drives where, when and with what; where are stock locations; how does loading and unloading take place on the street, how can it be done differently, smarter, cleaner, safer? And what is the action perspective of municipalities and businesses?".

  • Construction logistics

    Construction logistics is the freight flow with the most volume (about 30% of all freight transport) and with the most impact on the city. We focus on a chain- and area-based approach to optimize construction logistics across multiple parties (developers, contractors, subcontractors) and multiple construction projects. And in doing so, promote new solutions such as construction hubs.

  • Collaborate

    We unite purchasers of logistics — for example, all restaurant owners on a busy street. By working together more, we can reduce the number of inefficient transport movements in an area.

  • Nationwide scalability

    We ensure that all initiatives are scalable nationwide. We are committed to reducing fragmentation of policies and solutions.

Photo of Zero Emission trucks from Albert Heijn
Portrait photo of Robbert Janssen, theme leader Logistics

Your point of contact

Want to know more? Then contact Robbert Janssen, theme leader Logistics.

We are committed to organizing logistics flows in a safer, smarter and more sustainable way, using solutions in the fields of data and digitalization, so that our cities remain a nice place to live, work and recreate.
Safer, smarter and more sustainable organization of logistics flows.

Into the depths

Within the field of Logistics, there are several ongoing projects and programs that we collaborate with and contribute to. Together we ensure a safe, accessible and future-proof Netherlands.

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DEFLog is an infrastructure facility for the logistics sector that allows data to be exchanged. External parties can develop data services and offer them on DEFLog. DEFLog thus functions as a kind of marketplace. For example, there is the 'data for logistics' service, which provides information about window times, preferred routes, environmental zones and loading and unloading areas, among other things. The data is free for the industry to use, so that carriers schedule the right vehicles on the right routes.

Connected Transport

Connected driving means that drivers receive real-time traffic information through the on-board computer in the truck. Drivers using the service receive, among other things, speed advice to get to the next green light, and a warning if they are speeding. The board computer's software exchanges data with the environment. This helps drivers drive even more safely and economically.

Intelligent Access

Smart access policies allow municipalities to grant trucks access to certain locations, for certain target groups at certain times. Trucks equipped with the necessary technology are recognized and given faster access to the area and specific loading and unloading areas. In this way, cities can manage inner-city deliveries smarter and more efficiently.

Zero Emission

From Jan. 1, 2025, municipalities in the Netherlands can introduce zero-emission zones to improve livability and air quality. A zero-emission zone is an area with no emissions of harmful substances. This means that trucks and vans in zero-emission zones must be emission-free from Jan. 1, 2025. Municipalities can introduce these zero-emission zones within an environmental zone, replacing an environmental zone, but also without having previously had an environmental zone. For some vehicle categories there is a transitional arrangement until 2030, some vehicle categories are exempt and there will be exemptions.

Clean and Emission-Free Building

Clean and Emission Free Building (SEB) is an initiative of the Dutch government to reduce harmful emissions from construction equipment and make construction cleaner, more sustainable, healthier and quieter.

Digital Infrastructure and Logistics (DIL).

DIL aims to accelerate and improve digital business in freight transport. By further developing a digital and decentralized infrastructure, companies in the logistics chain can exchange data with each other quickly and efficiently. We call this infrastructure the Basic Data Infrastructure (also known as FDI).

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